Thursday, January 31, 2008

New Challenge

Hi there,

I can't believe it's already the end of Jan. I feel like Feb. crept up on me!

This morning, I read a post on a homeschooling yahoo group and somebody said something about a challenge where you commit to making something a day. Anything. Knit, crochet, draw, bake, cook, craft, painting, or whatever. I went and checked it out, and it sounds like fun. The only requirement is that you make something, and you document it on their site. The best part about it is that it doesn't have to be big, they said just spend 20 minutes on it, no more than an hour. Tonight is the last day to register, by midnight.

Considering my struggles with sticking to something as a commitment...I thought I'd take up the challenge. It's only 29 days, the shortest month of the year! It'll help me tap into my creative mind (eventually) but I will start with ideas from the magazine that my brother gave me for Christmas as a subscription. It's called "Family Fun", and it's always filled with simple crafts and fun food to make with your kids. On the days I feel like cooking, I'll try out new recipes from my "Cooking for 2" magazine.

I'll probably post some of our creations on this blog. I wonder what we'll make tomorrow!

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