Monday, March 10, 2008


I still haven't recieved the collar from Cesar Millan's website yet. I'm hoping that it'll arrive tomorrow! Since Thursday, it snowed for 3 days on and off, so there's snow on the ground once again. On Friday, everything was ICY including the mailbox! I couldn't open it, and couldn't lift the flag at all because there was like 1 inch of ice all around it. It was all frozen, and there were alot of icicles hanging off my front door's awning that I bumped my head into cuz they were like 20 inches long! All the phone lines, cable lines, and etc were all hanging low from the ice.

Then on Saturday, the sun came out and melted most of the ice off except for the snow on the ground. Every step I made, it would crack into blocks which was cool cuz I liked the way it felt (crunch crunch).

Of course, Petunia was so happy to be outside in this cold weather! Pulling me like crazy as usual. I almost slipped but didn't fall down, whew. It was very cold, I forgot my scarf and my ears hurt! I walked with Petunia for 15 minutes which is an improvement from 10 minutes. I truly hope that with the new collar, I can start walking for half hour like Cesar suggested!

Today, Petunia made a breakthrough! She did NOT jump on my sister or on her kids at all. Yay! I'm so proud of her!

Abby and I are both trying to train her to "stay" and to "give" whatever she has in her mouth. She's still a puppy, so she's chewing EVERYTHING she finds. If she knows that she have something in her mouth that shouldn't be there, she will NOT come to me when I call her name. Just like a toddler sometimes, if they found something "forbidden" and then will run away from mommy. That's exactly what Petunia does when I see her chewing something!

Let's see if the collars arrives tomorrow!! Please, please do!!!

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