There are 2 nests in my awning by my front door/ porch. If anyone of you have experience with this, please tell me what I should do! I don't want them there because of their droppings on my porch!! Someone told me to move them, but they are warm and "at home" in those nests, I don't want to disrupt them. Anybody have advice?????
I need to learn the names of the birds because I'm going to be teaching Abby about classifications of insects, rocks, plants, birds, and etc in home school soon!
Today, it has been very sunny and beautiful all day. I let Petunia out several times, on a leash-line that is 20 feet long. That will work for now till I get a fence installed sometimes before the summer.
All of the windows in my house are covered with curtains because of my Chiari Malformation which causes hypersensitivity to bright light. The only window that has nothing on it happens to be my door in the kitchen. I can handle it because the sun rises and sets from the front of my house to the back of my house, but the kitchen door is on the side.
Anyway, I am not 100% comfortable with leaving Petunia outside by herself on the leash-line in fear that she could wiggle out of her collar or something so I'm always watching her through that window. More than two times today I saw this....

(Originally, I tried to post a video clip of Petunia playing in the snow, but this blog spot won't let me post it for some reason. When I showed the clip to Abby, she said "What are those white spots on Petunia?") Snow! They're not staying on the ground or anything, just flurries flying along with the wind.
Since I can't post the video, I am showing you the picture of my neighbor's backyard with the tree. You can see her Basset Hound, Rosco. He's so sweet and likes Petunia even though she's overly hyper! I'm hoping that Petunia will calm down pretty soon so that the two of them can play together when the weather gets warmer. Petunia is bigger than Rosco, so I worry about her smothering him or something, ha. She likes him too, she gets excited to see him!
Let's hope the warm weather comes SOON!
The black birds are either crows or starlings and the ones with the red breasts are robins.
About your nests. I suggest let them be. We had robins on our back porch--in my gardening hat!---and they were lots of fun to watch the eggs hatch, the birds grow and then fly away. They will leave the nests once they are done and then you can take them down so they aren't reused. But I really suggest not touching them for now--especially if there are eggs in them already--if not you can think about moving them but they do make a great homeschooling project! Ours were fun to watch.
We are all ready for the snow to stop!!!
Hope Abby is well.
I agree, probably (if they're big) crows, and robins. We have a (the smallest cheapest) bird field guide but the bookstores have TONS. It helps us determine what we've seen...
We have cardinals, robins, blue jays, and 2 others I have yet to place :) They are so fun to watch.
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