I can barely stay online for more than five minutes because of Petunia! She is still a puppy, but according to the several books that I've been reading, she's now starting her teenager years.
For example, I just typed the first 2 sentences above and before I was able to type the word, "teenager", I was interuppted by Petunia. She came to me and nudged her nose under my arm. That's a big improvement, she usually jumps on me and scratch my arm! I'm trying to teach her that jumping on people is not acceptable, ever. I wasn't sure what she wanted but then at the same time Abby asked me for lunch. I decided to just toast bread instead of grilling them to make grilled cheese sandwich for her. While I was in the kitchen, I turned on my camera to see if it's working. At the exact same time I said to Petunia to sit so I could take a picture of her, the toaster popped up. She was startled. Now she is nervous every time I say "sit"! Poor thing.
I'll give her few minutes and try "sit" again and hopefully she'll be ok with it.
I was able to take few pictures of Petunia, the first time ever since Feb. 1st! My camera is acting up and will turn on only if it wants to. Now it won't turn on for me to upload those pix for this blog. However, you still got to see some pix from the previous owner. I got a few more from her and I'll add them in the next blog or so.
I gotta go -
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