I read the book, "Cesar's Way" by Cesar Millan and I really liked it. He started the book by explaining where he grew up, how he learned about dogs, and how he got where he is now. Then he started to explain about dogs' psychology, and about how dogs function in a pack with one pack leader. We, the owners, should be the pack leader but often the problems that Americans have with their dogs is because they're not being the leader but letting their dogs do whatever they wanted!
First, I have never heard of him till last October, when I went to visit a good friend of mine in Maryland. She bought his book, and his DVD and asked me to watch the the DVD with her. I was pretty impressed with what I saw because Cesar was able to fix the problems within the hour!
His most important advice for the owners was to exercise the dogs by taking them out for a long walk, preferably 30-45 minutes. He said that it's very calming for them, however some people substitute exercise with playing fetch, tug-a-war, or whatever but it doesn't work because playing is excitement. Also during those walks, the dog must be either behind or besides the owner because that shows his/her position as the pack follower while the owner is the pack leader.
Now with that said, Petunia is still hyper as ever. She still jumps on me, and she gets all excited when she sees other dogs or people on our walks. We haven't mastered the proper way to walk yet, as she's still pulling me and always in front of me. It drives me crazy! I have already tried 4 different kinds of collars, but they all fall on the base of the shoulders and bottom of the neck. According to Cesar, that's their strongest point which is why it's so easy for them to pull their owners!
On the days that it snows, Petunia is even more hyper because she LOVES the snow. She pulled me across my backyard for like 5 feet when I fell down. She is able to pull my weight! I have a scab on my knee from several weeks ago and it's still hurts when I kneel down to do something.
Today, there was NO snow, no ice on the streets or sidewalks, nothing that could cause me to slip or fall. I thought that it would be a good day to train her to walk properly but again, she pulled me like crazy. It was not enjoyable at all, I was fed up!
I decided to go back on the website of Cesar Millan's and order his collar, because if that 5Th collar doesn't work then I'll have to hire a personal trainer or something! I truly hope that this special collar will work!!!!!!!!
When it arrives, I'll let you know if it really works.
1 comment:
I've never heard of this guy but I hope it works for you. Labs are really hyper and looks like you and I have the opposite ends of the energy scale LOL!
Good Luck!
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