It have been very HOT for the last few days, up in the 80's, 90's! Even this morning at 5am! Wondering why I was up that early? My alarm clock malfunctioned and went off exactly at 5:00am! can an alarm clock wake up a profoundly deaf person like me??? It vibrates and flashes the lamp on and off repeatedly till I get up and turn it off. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to take the trash out while it was supposedly cool but I was surprised it was already hot! The Sun was not even out, the sky was blue and pink! Wow. I want to go out to the store and buy one of those plastic kiddie swimming pool just for the puppy to jump in and cool off if she wanted to. She will, she LOVES the water when Abby plays with the sprinkler or the hose.

Last Friday, Abby and I went to Frederick, MD to stay there for the weekend with Abby's best friend and her sister. Saturday morning, we left very early to go to Kings Dominion which is 2 hours from Frederick. Abby, Jovanna, her older sister Monique and her best friend, Bri all rode in the back of the SUV while the girls' mom and I chatted up in the front. Bri brought her laptop for the 4 girls to watch a movie, and then take some pix like these below! They sure had lots of fun on the way to the amusement park.

(I just found out that the nearest amusement park to us now is Kennywood, and they have a Deaf day too.)
Anyway, we went straight to the water park first because it was already very hot when we arrived. We got there before the gates opened, so we were concerned that we wouldn't get a place to sit down because there a big crowd waiting right by the waterpark. We made it and got to sit down by the lazy river and that was the first ride the 4 girls chose! Kim and I took turns accompanying the girls on the rides (we didn't ride them because both of us can't...but we just stood in lines w/ them or waited at the exit for them). Anyway, so when it was Kim's turn to go w/ them, I laid down on the chair and read a book I borrowed from the library. I was NOT facing the Sun, but I still got seriously sunburned! We left about an hour before the park closed and got back to Frederick after 11pm. We were all EXHAUSTED!
The next day, I thought I couldn't walk due to the sunburn! OUCH! I took Abby and the 2 sisters to the swimming pool and they had fun while I stayed in the SHADE under the umbrella and went on to finish the book. I proceed to start the 2nd book that I brought but then the girls told me they heard thunder so we all went back inside. I am still trying to finish that book but still getting interrupted every now and then. Abby was sad to leave Frederick and asked if we could move there.
Most people who live in D.C., either at or near Gallaudet University, are not there to stay. They go there for college and then move away either back to their hometown or to a new place where a career awaits them. When we moved away last August, we did not know where Jovanna's family would be after her mom graduates from GU. Well, she just graduated last month! It looks like they might live in Frederick, MD after all so that's why Abby wants to move there. I just told her that it's easier to visit Frederick because it is one hour closer to us! Washington D.C. is approx. 5 hours from us plus traffic guaranteed! Also Jovanna's birthday is coming up and we're hoping that we can make it back there for that.
Why didn't you and Kim get to go on rides with the girls?
Hey Danielle, I never liked water rides that much. I love rollercoasters but I try to avoid them because of my Chiari Malformation. Kim couldn't go on the rollercoasters because she is pregnant with her 3rd baby.
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